When did hating our country become so popular in America? I’ve been racking my brain trying to pinpoint the exact moment when we collectively tripped, fell, and landed on our heads, but it’s like searching for a needle in a haystack. With the 4th of July right around the corner, this topic has got me thinking… What in the world went wrong? Well, it’s been a slow descent into chaos. This didn’t happen overnight. The media and the government have been working tirelessly over the past decade to chip away at the very essence of America—our unity. Remember back in 2018 when Andrew Cuomo boldly declared, “We’re not going to make America great again. It was never that great”? That’s when I knew we were in for a wild ride down the rabbit hole. When you have people in power pushing an anti-American agenda, you know nothing good can come of it. The question you need to really ask yourself is “Why”? Why are they doing this? Why would they want this?…I leave it up to you to draw your own conclusions.
When I was a growing up, my dad used to instill in me the belief that we lived in the greatest country on Earth. He would take me along to vote with him every election season and made sure I was registered to vote the very day I turned 18. Oh, what a proud moment it was for me when I got to cast my ballot right alongside him. As the years went by and I ventured out on my own, he would call me every Election Day and ask, “Hey, did you vote yet? I was ballot number #23. What about you?”. But it wasn’t just my parents who planted the seed of love for this country within me—it was also the good ol’ public school system. I can still vividly recall the countless school assemblies and celebrations we had, all in honor of our flag and dear America. I specifically remember a Flag Day celebration where we gathered outside,
stood proudly in front of the flag, sang songs about America, waved our adorable little American flags, and homemade USA crowns that we crafted in class. Where have those days gone, my friends? Do children still have these glorious assemblies in honor of our great nation? Please, do let me know, parents, because I genuinely want to know.
A strong country is a united country, there’s no denying that. But unfortunately, we find ourselves more divided than ever, and it’s enough to make me want to reach for a bucket 🤮. Regardless of your political stance, you should be bursting with pride for being an American. You can have liberal views, conservative views, or you can even be blissfully apolitical (I don’t recommend this but respect if you choose that)—just as long as the common ground we all share is a resounding “We love this country.” We have so much to be grateful for in America, and it’s time we start recognizing that. You don’t hear people talking about the “Mexican Dream” or the “European Dream.” No, the world calls it the American Dream for a reason. Now, I’m not asking you to go all “Ultra Maga” like me, but I am asking you to open your eyes really wide and see that you should be proud of this country and grateful to call it home.
So, my fellow patriots, I hope you all have a fantastic holiday tomorrow. It’s one of my absolute favorites because, I just can’t contain my love for this country. God bless America and thanks for coming to my TED talk.