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Initially I thought I could wrap up this blog with just one more part but the more I dug deep into the memories of this journey the more a realized that it was too much to cover in just one blog. Today I’ll dive into the very first steps I took to take my life back into my control. 

We’ve all heard the phrase “hitting rock bottom.” It’s that place where we feel like we can’t sink any lower. We feel lost, hopeless, and unsure of our purpose in life. However, it’s often in these moments of despair that we can find the strength to climb out of the abyss and unlock our potential. But how? I had always been a people pleaser in life. Defining my happiness or self worth according to the people who were around me or the relationship I was in. For that reason I knew this is where I needed to start this journey. WHO AM I when nobody is around? What makes me happy when I have no-one to influence where my day will head? I faced reality and decided that I needed to be alone, for how long? I didn’t know but I knew it had to happen because I was consumed with so many negative thoughts and feelings, I forgot what it felt like to be happy. 

I started first with channeling my negative thoughts and energy to fitness. I had never been a runner but I knew that it was something that can be done alone and that you can control. BOOM. First life changing step. I started waking up at 4am to run in the dark of the morning, no matter the weather conditions. There was something about being alone in the dark and watching the sun come up that made me feel alive. Also, I was a terrible runner so I wasn’t thinking about my life situation when I was running I was simply thinking about not dying. When I ran I would listen to motivational videos. At first I didn’t believe what these gurus were saying but after 2 months of listening, it started to click. My mile times when from 9:30 sec to 7:40 sec. My duration went from 1.5 miles to 6.5 miles. I was finally in control of something in my life. Now some of you may be reading this dumbfounded how running was somehow this magnificent breakthrough for me…looking back it wasn’t it was simply the first step I took in “being in control” of my own life an happiness. Anytime I was feeling sad or overwhelmed I would just run, hell sometimes I would even cry and run. Ain’t no shame in it. 

Through solitude, we can learn to enjoy our own company and find solace in our thoughts. By disconnecting from the world around us, we can focus on our internal dialogue and discover what truly matters to us. After a few months of taking time to be alone I decided to take he next step. I was going to travel alone. My idea was to discover new places and faces to show myself that I can thrive and have fun even if it’s alone! Traveling alone is a life-changing experience. It’s a chance to step outside of our comfort zone, explore new cultures, and create memories that will stick with you forever. Solo travel also allows us to face our fears and build resilience.

When we travel alone, we’re forced to rely on ourselves, make decisions independently, and navigate unfamiliar territory. This experience can be scary, but it’s also empowering. It helps us build confidence and realize that we’re capable of achieving more than we ever thought possible.

My first solo trip landed me in Miami FL for a long weekend with $500 to spend after I had bought my flight, my hotel and my rental car. LOL!! What was I thinking? Mind you the hotel I selected may have been the site of many murders or drug Ods but hey it was what I could afford. I remember my dad frequently calling to “check in” because he was not comfortable with the situation at all. Good new is I made it out alive and with a lot of awesome memories. I traveled all around the Miami area, went to the beach, asked a hostess for a table for 1 and even landed myself a “job” on a fishing boat for the day where I served cocktails to the guests in exchange for a free chartered trip for the day. (That’s a whole other story for a different day).

This trip will forever be a beautiful time to remember in my life. I learned so much about myself and what makes ME happy. I would highly recommend you experience this once in your life (but maybe not with $500 in your pocket to spend). 

So, how does spending time alone and traveling solo help us unlock our potential? By disconnecting from the world around us, we can focus on our internal dialogue and discover what truly matters to us. Through this process, we can identify our strengths and weaknesses, and gain a better understanding of our purpose in life. Traveling alone helps us build resilience and self-confidence. It shows us that we’re capable of achieving our goals and that we can handle any challenge that comes our way. I know some are reading this thinking “I could never travel by myself” but I can assure you that you CAN and it may be the catalyst you need to reboot your life.

Tune in next Monday for part 3 of the comeback, Where I returned home from this trip I began to address another scary area of my life. My career, my finances and my future in regards to money. 
